Orgainc Waste Shredder Recycling Machine Price

   Organic waste , or green waste , is organic material such as food , garden and lawn clippings. It can also include animal and plant baesd material and degradable carbon such as paper ,cardboard and timber .Biodegradable Waste can do for landfills.The biogas from organic waste can be captured and turned into energy through anaerobic digestion, and then sold into the electricity grid.

Organic waste , or green waste , or Biodegradable Waste or Wet trash

Bio-waste is defined as biodegradable garden and park waste, food and kitchen waste from households, restaurants, caterers and retail premises, and comparable waste from food processing plants.
Organic waste is include forestry or agricultural residues, manure, sewage sludge, or other biodegradable waste such as natural textiles, paper or processed wood.

Wet trash, household waste,such as kitchen waste ,vegetable waste ,paper and fiber .

Now show you our recycling solution:

1, Powerful organic waste shredders are manufactured by Enerpat for organic waste size reduce. Organic waste is shredded for a many reasons. For example,  tree lopping or garden waste are primarily used to make compost and biogas. A high throughput is particularly needed  in these applications.

2, Expired food or Out-of-date goods can be safely and reliably removed from the supply chain by shredding the packaging and contents together. Organic waste shredder will give you a big hand in the case of damaged or contaminated food stuffs.

3, Animals which have been slaughtered because they are diseased must be removed and incinerated in order to reduce risks to the health of both man and other animals. Organic waste shredder will help you save great cost during handling this issue.

Enerpat two shafts shredder are particularly useful for this application, shredding this type of organic waste reliably and safely.because our blade is original from Germany . it can cutting the scrap metal and glass easily .

If you have no idea, and want to know more about our organic waste shredders, maybe you need to give us a call to talk about what wood shredders we make to help you upgrade and reduce the size of your organic waste. I will show you all the details ,according to your situation.
[Chain Plate Feeding Conveyor]
1, feeding conveyor , you can use steel chain conveyor , or rubber conveyor . it can feeding organic waste , such as Vegetable market waste, including glass bottle, tin cans, plastic bags etc . it can save much time and workers . you know the organic waste , sometimes is very dirty and wet . so feeding conveyor is Necessary.

[Discharging belt conveyor]
2, after shredder organic waste , the end prodution will go to Dehydrator , so need another conveyor . but for this conveyor , you can use PVC conveyor ., it is much cheaper .
for  Organic waste , or green waste , is organic material such as food , garden and lawn clippings recycling , conveyor is very important . 

3, for Organic waste , or green waste ,the shredder blade must be special . our Enerpat  engineers , design the blade for it . 
even you have hard materials in your organic waste , it can also cutting easily . 

4, organic waste , or wet trash , always from kitchen waste , market waste . they are very wet . so using Dehydrator, it can remove the water from them . it is very good for organic waste  recycling . 
Application : 
Kitchen cabbage residue
garbage of urban life
Vegetable leaf
can be degradable 
Environmental protection
While the waste management hierarchy also applies to the management of bio-waste, in specific cases it may be justified to depart from it as the environmental balance of the various options available for the management of this waste depends on a number of local factors, inter alia collection systems, waste composition and quality, climatic conditions, the potential of use of various waste-derived products such as electricity, heat, methane-rich gas or compost. Therefore, national strategies for the management of this waste should be determined in a transparent manner and be based on a structured and comprehensive approach such as Life Cycle Thinking (LCT). In order to assist decision-makers in making the best use of biodegradable waste in line with the waste hierarchy, the Commission has prepared a set of guidelines on how to apply Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Thinking to planning the management of bio-waste.General waste management requirements, such as environmental and human health protection during waste treatment and priority for waste recycling, are laid down in the revised Waste Framework Directive which also contains specific bio-waste related elements (new recycling targets for household waste, which can include bio-waste) and a mechanism allowing setting quality criteria for compost (end-of-waste criteria). Landfilling of bio-waste is addressed in the Landfill Directive which requires the diversion of biodegradable municipal waste from landfills.  The incineration of bio-waste is regulated in the Waste Incineration Directive, while the health rules for composting and biogas plants which treat animal by-products are laid down in the Animal By-products Regulation. 
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