oil filter recycling process

oil filter recycling plant
1, Input material, short description:
Oil filters , car and truck, air filters .

some customers may have 210 L steel oil
Cleaning rags containing oil, oilcans etc. can be contained in the input material. The oil filter processing plant can process single solid non-tempered metal pieces .
Throughput (estimated value) - input: approx. 0,3 – 1,0 [t/h]
The value is not binding and is based on a good working at feeding the line, on a good state of the cutting system and the regular inspection and maintenance of the machines. The approximated value further depends strongly on the structure of the waste.
- Separated ferrous metals
- Separated non-ferrous material (rest)
- Extracted oils , we can get clean oil for you .
in the recycling plant , shredder machine is the most important :
which model you like ? according to your capacity .
Oil filters are delivered to the input tray of the sorting conveyor. The disturbing parts, i.e. massive metal parts, textiles, petrol filters etc. are removed from the input material. Via the sorting conveyor the oil filters reach an ascending conveyor. The ascending conveyor transports the oil filters to the input-chute of a Typhoon X80 pre-shredder. A slow running, silent cutting system, with two shafts which turn towards each other, penetrate the oil filters automatically and cut them into pieces. Directly under the cutting space of the pre-shredder is a Micro X60 granulator. In the granulator rotating knifes work in conjunction with fixed cutters to cut up the material. The material is output directly through the installed screen. The grain size of the output material is depending of the holes in the screen. Via two screw conveyors the shredded composite consisting oil, paper, steel, rubber remainders and non-ferrous-metal remainders reach a centrifugal extractor. With a high centrifugal force oil is spun out. A pump transports the oil into a tank, which is provided by the customer. The nearly dry solids (not dripping or damp anymore) are separated into a non-magnetic and magnetic fraction. The high quality steel fraction can be used in the production of new steel. The remaining fraction, predominantly paper with very small oil content, has a high caloric value and can be used in combustion. All conveyors, unloading screw conveyors and shredders have an oil-collecting tray. From there the oil is pumped into oil barrels or oil tanks (to be supplied by the customer. )
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