Heavy duty paper shredder / industrial paper crusher

Every business especially big offices generate considerable amount of scrap confidential paper that requires secure destruction, e.g. the customer list , payroll record.documents with official stamps, void checks , employee records, business card, etc .all these confidential paper has to be destroyed by a shredding machine before going to any recycling process. even in every household ,there also frequently generates confidential paper that needs to be shredded so as to protect personal information or privacy , e.g. credit card statement, expired passports,courier sheet , and any other document that contains identity and contact information . for large amount of paper waste , a heavy duty paper shredder or industrial paper crusher / granulator is a good help . why we need a heavy duty paper shredder in paper recycling paper after shredding can be used in many fields: although paper after shredding is dowgraded due to the reduction of fiber ,it is still recyclable . shredded ...