how to recycle oil filters

Oil Filters The extent of filter recycling rates is questionable. For example, California’s recycling program can only get 7 percent. There is no data to make any national claim. On average, every 16 filters generate roughly a gallon of used oil. One good indicator to track actual oil changes instead of folks who buy motor oil to “top-off’ the engine is to follow oil filter sales. In 1998, there were 450 million light-duty oil filters sold in the United States, while 778 million light-duty filters were purchased in 2002, according to FMA. Today, there is no data on how many filters are sold; however, with increased drivers, there are easily more than 900 million light-duty filters purchased. tages : #fuel #recycling National Used Oil Study how to recycle oil filters : 3 solutions for you 1, vertical filters crusher 2, Economic way 3,fully automatic way...