
Showing posts from July, 2018

how to recycle oil filters

Oil Filters The extent of filter recycling rates is questionable. For example, California’s recycling program can only get 7 percent. There is no data to make any national claim. On average, every 16 filters generate roughly a gallon of used oil. One good indicator to track actual oil changes instead of folks who buy motor oil to “top-off’ the engine is to follow oil filter sales. In 1998, there were 450 million light-duty oil filters sold in the United States, while 778 million light-duty filters were purchased in 2002, according to FMA. Today, there is no data on how many filters are sold; however, with increased drivers, there are easily more than 900 million light-duty filters purchased.           tages : #fuel  #recycling  National Used Oil Study how to recycle oil filters :  3 solutions for you  1, vertical filters crusher  2, Economic way  3,fully automatic way...

quality wood sawdust machine with CE certification

Enerpat Wood Sawdust Machine  What is the Introduction Of Enerpat Sawdust Machine  This  wood sawdust machine  is designed to produce wood sawdust in desired and suitable size to be able to use them as many applications. wood sawdust can be used to do the mechanism of charcoal, mushroom cultivation, black fungus mushroom cultivation, mushroom processing Agaricus bisporus, MDF processing, particleboard processing, fiberboard processing, Zen Incense and mosquito coils manufacturing, paper pulp raw materials, making charcoal fuel and other functions. The enerpat ESM-55 automatic wood sawdust machine is one 55kw drive machine,used for making wood from firewood,wood logs and scrap wood.our wood sawdust machine come with automatic re-set function,when feeding the big size wood into the machine,which can not process,the re-set function will protect the machine and feed back the wood.  Why Buying this machine?   This sawdust production ma...