According to the shredder size, configuration and the overall range a crusher system,our Enerpat shredder price from a few ten thousand to 150 ten thousand . However,when in the assessment of shredder machine price ,you should not only consider the purchase price for a crusher, but also consider the cost of equipment in the whole life cycle, including the maintenance cost and replacement of wearing parts, electronic power consumption and expected service life etc. When evaluating the relative price, you also need to consider the payback period of the crusher you purchased.Please remember cheaper the equipment,it is not the better. In the market, you can always find a machine with a lower initial purchase price. However, if you bought the crusher ,which often shut down, or in need of repair, or material blocked, you must stop the entire production line . when your machine does not produce any benefits, but you must continue to pay rent and workers wages. Also whe...