Showing posts from June, 2017
Günstige hydraulische ballenpresse aluminium kann für zertifikate
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spezifikationen: 1. hydraulische metall ballenpresse 2. hydraulischer antrieb, manuelle betrieb oder sps-steuerung 3. Bale-entladen: aus, push-out, vorwärts-out 4. altmetall ballenpresse maschine 5. metall presse ballenpresse maschine beschreibungen: T200XL se ries hydraulischen metallpressen-maschine drücken das übrig gebliebene von alle arten von metall material, einschließlich stahl späne, schrott tel, schrott aluminium, kupfer, schrott, edelstahl , um in die form von quader, octagon, zylinder und so weiter, die nicht nur verringert die geschwindigkeit der casting. diese maschine ist vor allem für stahlwerke, recyclingindustrie und eisen metallurgischen funktioniert. Co m pression box größe, ballengröße, ballen form kann angepasst werden nach kunden re quirement. Features: 1. alle maschinen sind hydraulisch angetriebene mit alternativen der manuelle oder automatische steuerung. 2. Bale-entladen alternative: aus, push-out, vorwärts oder ...
Preço de sucata de alumínio pode prensa fabricante
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apropriado para borracha dura, plástico, garrafa PET, feno, fibra de itens. esta máquina usa o duplo-cilindro de compressão de equilíbrio, o sistema hidráulico especial faz com que o poder mais estável. estrutura elevada carga torna mais segurança e confiança. ele usa o tipo de bomba de pistão com alta carga. toda a portas podem ser abertas, e a máquina pode tira materiais pela cruz, ele é controlado por válvula manual.
Metal Chip And Swarf Briquetting Press
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#Swarf , also known as #chips or by other process-specific names (such as #turnings , #filings , or #shavings ) , are pieces of metal, wood, or plastic that are the debris or waste resulting from machining,woodworking , or similar subtractive (material-removing) manufacturing processes. Swarf or chips can be small particles (such as the gritty swarf from grinding metal or the sawdust from sawing or sanding wood); long, stringy tendrils (such as the springy chips from turning metals, or long shavings ,like waste (such as is produced within pipe during pipfiting work); or stone fragments and dust . Some of these terms are mass nouns (such as swarf and sawdust) and some of them are count nonus (such as chips, filings, or shavings). Metal swarf can usually be recycled , and this is the preferred method of disposal due to the environmental concerns regarding potential contamination with cutting fluid or tramp oil . The ideal way to remove these liquids is by the use of a ...